I would say my biggest pet peeve is "neediness". I don't know how else to describe it. People who are really dependent and can't do things on their own just irks me.
Gum smacking- ahhh just spit it out. This actually runs in my family- we all just kind of stare at people who smack their gum, or food for that matter. And as every good Southerner says: What, were you raised in a barn??
Singing off key. I think I need to just saw my ears off when I hear this. Again- doesn't help that my dad is a Minister of Music!
Being an inconsiderate employee- like walking into a meeting late with your cell phone beeping with your texts and calls.
I can then make a list of dumb things like: slow walkers, trying to get on an elevator before people get off, staying in the fast line on the highway with a line of people behind you, etc. In general people who are oblivious to those around them.
Have a great weekend- as long as your don't do anything on my list!

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